function verify_ftc_member(){'','ftc_verify','scrollbars=0,width=505,height=805,location=0,status=0,fullscreen=0,menubar=0'); } content = '
1. Subjective Subject Matter Disclaimer For Single Author; No Obligation to Update Information.
The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and/or update his opinion based on the new conditions, and the author is not obligated to update this information.
2. Subjective Subject Matter Disclaimer For 3rd Party Author; No Obligation to Update Information.
Everything posted on this site are views of others and have either been submitted to us, or found on the Internet and published as a fair use. The views expressed on this site are solely those of 3rd party authors and do not in any way reflect our views. This site is solely a provider of useful articles and hereby disclaims all liability for any damages or injury or other harm arising from this website. We are not obligated to update any information attributable to 3rd party authors.
3. Disclaimer; Information Is Not a Consumer Report.
We are not a consumer reporting agency and data provided by us does not constitute a consumer report as that term is defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C.A. sec 1681 et seq. Before using any data obtained from any source as a factor in establishing a consumer's eligibility for credit, insurance or employment, you should consult with your attorney for uses that might be regulated by FCRA.
4. Disclaimer For Blog Posts by Others.
We do not independently verify, nor do we seek independent verification of comments and statements that may be posted by others in blog posts on this site regarding our website, its products or services. For this reason, if others post "success story" or "best-case" scenario testimonials (as distinguished from subjective opinions), you should assume that their results are NOT typical.
5. Exercise Disclaimer
Not all exercise is suitable for everyone. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program. The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. If you have had a joint replacement or if you have osteoporosis, or any other special medical condition, follow all precautions.