Tag Archives: Testimonials
The High Cost of Fake Testimonials / Endorsements
If you use online endorsements or testimonials from others, you should review your internal marketing policies and your FTC website forms to avoid substantial liability for deceptive advertising.
Posted in Deceptive Advertising, FTC Compliance, Testimonials Tagged Deceptive Advertising, Disclosures, Federal Trade Commission, FTC Claims, FTC Compliance, Testimonials Comments Off on The High Cost of Fake Testimonials / Endorsements
Tragic (Legal) Mistake 2: Your Testimonials Gets You Sued By The FTC For Big Bucks
Tragic (Legal) Mistake 2: Your Testimonials Gets You Sued By The FTC For Big Bucks By Chip Cooper, Esq. Your Failure To Follow The FTC Disclosure Rules For Testimonials On Your Website, Blog, and Social Media Platforms Gets You Sued …
Posted in FTC Claims, FTC Disclosure, Testimonials Tagged Compliance, FTC Claims, FTC Compliance, FTC Disclosure, Testimonials Comments Off on Tragic (Legal) Mistake 2: Your Testimonials Gets You Sued By The FTC For Big Bucks