Tag Archives: FTC Compliance
Vtech settles FTC lawsuit over children’s data privacy
Vtech settles FTC lawsuit over children’s data privacy By David Lumb Two years ago, kids electronics maker Vtech suffered a data breach that exposed the personal info of five million customers (over half of whom were not adults). Naturally, the DOJ on behalf of …
All the Ways Your Smartphone and Its Apps Can Track You
All the Ways Your Smartphone and Its Apps Can Track You By David Nield The little pocket supercomputers we all constantly carry around with us aren’t just supplying us with useful information, they’re also collecting a host of data on us …
Sears Petitions to Change Its 8-Year-Old FTC Privacy Settlement Order
Sears Petitions to Change Its 8-Year-Old FTC Privacy Settlement Order By Wendell Bartnick On October 30, 2017, Sears Holding Management Corporation (“Sears”) petitioned the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) to reopen and modify the settlement to which they agreed in 2009. At that time, …