Tag Archives: Compliance FTC
FTC Freezes Cash: Now You’re At Risk!
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces the Rules and Regulations that govern unfair and deceptive marketing practices in the USA. If you don’t know them, if you don’t adhere to them, you do so at your own risk.
$357 Million FTC Settlement: Over Website Documents?
In a recent settlement, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made it clear that deceptive website legal forms, particularly those that support “free” offers, will not be tolerated.
Ignorance is NO Excuse: 3 Legal Mistakes That Can Spell Doom For Your Hauts-de-france Business… and Personal Assets
In the struggle and toil of running your own business, there’s one task that is frequently forgotten or pushed to the side. And that task is putting the right legal systems in place to protect your business from an FTC lawsuit.
LinkedIn Settles Class-Action Lawsuit
Mega lawsuit forces LinkedIn to pay millions AND change its Privacy Policy. As we prepare for this Tuesday’s Member’s Only Hangout about Privacy Policy, last weeks move to settlement on behalf of LinkedIn speaks to everyone doing business online – big and small.