Category Archives: FTC Compliance
The Rule of Automatic Copyright
It’s tempting and so easy to use your right click to download stuff off the Web – to copy or save images, text, even videos. BUT Fair warning – in most cases this content will be protected by copyright even if there is no copyright notice and you can find yourself facing a possible copyright infringement claim that results in fines up to $150,000!
The High Cost of Fake Testimonials / Endorsements
If you use online endorsements or testimonials from others, you should review your internal marketing policies and your FTC website forms to avoid substantial liability for deceptive advertising.
FTC Freezes Cash: Now You’re At Risk!
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces the Rules and Regulations that govern unfair and deceptive marketing practices in the USA. If you don’t know them, if you don’t adhere to them, you do so at your own risk.
Crackdown On Fake News Sites
The FTC believes Fake News Sites constitute deceptive and unfair trade practices, as indicated by the FTC’s accelerated crackdown on affiliates of a popular diet drink with aggressive weight loss claims.
$357 Million FTC Settlement: Over Website Documents?
In a recent settlement, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made it clear that deceptive website legal forms, particularly those that support “free” offers, will not be tolerated.
OUCH! Did You Know? You Don’t Own Your Website Anymore!
You’d be surprised at how many Internet marketers and online entrepreneurs are shocked to discover that they don’t own what they incorrectly assumed to be their valuable intellectual property.
Ignorance is NO Excuse: 3 Legal Mistakes That Can Spell Doom For Your Virginia Business… and Personal Assets
In the struggle and toil of running your own business, there’s one task that is frequently forgotten or pushed to the side. And that task is putting the right legal systems in place to protect your business from an FTC lawsuit.
Snapchat Responds To Chatter About Privacy Policy Change
Social media rumors were taken far too seriously this past weekend, as word spread around the globe that Snapchat’s recent privacy policy update gave the company ownership over user content, which includes photos, videos, and text messages.
LifeLock coughs up $96m to FTC in false ad claim deal
Identity theft / protection alert biz LifeLock coughs up $96m to FTC in false ad claim deal – settlement dumps company into the red.